(12 min CLASS) Prefrontal Cortex and Consciousness w/ Sophia Bouwens


The Prefrontal Cortex is the highest level, or most evolved part, of our conscious brain. It is where we are able to do complex tasks like planning, goal setting, and inhibiting urges.

A healthy prefrontal cortex helps us embody our selves with intention, integrity, and ease. When our prefrontal cortex is out of balance, we can be more susceptible to impulses, not completing things we set out to do, and can feel easily overwhelmed.

In this video, Sophia dives into the main functions of the prefrontal cortex, where our power of choice lies, and it's connectivity to our stress, our power of choice, and how it impacts our ability to live in a conscious and intentional way.



Sophia Bouwens, L.Ac, is a Neurological Acupuncturist and Traumatic Brain Injury survivor who is on a mission to help others heal and empower their nervous system and bodies. She uses a unique integration of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Functional Neurology to produce profound effects and positive changes in brain function and body connection. 



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this class pairs well with


To activate the prefrontal cortex through movement:

(17 min PRACTICE): Mindful Movement for the Nervous System w/ Nkechi Njaka

(17 min PRACTICE): Mindful Movement for the Nervous System w/ Nkechi Njaka

To activate the prefrontal cortex through breath:

(15 min PRACTICE) Seated Breath & Bandhas Workshop w/ Chance York

(15 min PRACTICE) Seated Breath & Bandhas Workshop w/ Chance York

To learn more about the vagus nerve:

(10 min CLASS): Vagus Nerve 101 w/ Sophia Bouwens

(10 min CLASS): Vagus Nerve 101 w/ Sophia Bouwens