(15 min CLASS) Yoga Nidra 101 w/ Meg Elaine


This informational video touches on the background, basics, and benefits of the practice of Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is a guided practice where the body rests, yet the awareness (ideally) remains alert and awake.

The systematic instruction brings students to a state that is in between awake and asleep while lying down for approximately 20-30 minutes.

I was taught this practice with the origins of Swami Satyananda Saraswati in Northern India, which was developed in the 1960’s. Yoga Nidra allows one to access both the conscious and subconscious layers of the self simultaneously - a powerful place to plant the seeds of one’s intention! This can be done when the Sankalpa (commitment to highest truth) is integrated into the practice.

Yoga Nidra has many benefits and therapeutic applications - I hope it meets you where you need it, and that it supports you on your journey to living a more easeful life!



Meg encourages students to practice intuitive listening of the body, mind, and heart, oftentimes through natural breath awareness  She specializes in yoga nidra, which provides students with the opportunity for deep rest and relaxation of both the conscious and subconscious layers.  After teaching yoga since 2014, Meg is consistently humbled to hold space for the deep soul work of practicing presence.  



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(15 min CLASS): Yoga Nidra 101 w/ Meg Elaine

(15 min CLASS): Yoga Nidra 101 w/ Meg Elaine

Amanda HelenMeg Elaine, learn